Learning Journey

At our family day care, Explore N Learn in Mount Cotton, Brisbane, we aim to provide a comprehensive learning journey for children, integrating the principles of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Reggio Emilia approach. Here are some key elements of our approach:

Mt Cotton Family Day Care EYLF

EYLF Influence

 Our practices align with the EYLF, emphasizing active engagement, play-based learning, and nurturing relationships. Our curriculum supports holistic development of children, fostering their capabilities as resourceful learners.


Mt Cotton Family Day Care Extra Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular Activities

In addition to play-based learning, we offer exciting extra-curricular activities like incursions, excursions, Bush Kindy, and STEM experiences. These opportunities allow children to explore new interests and develop skills in a fun and interactive way.


Mt Cotton Family Day Care Inspired by Reggio Amelia

Reggio Emilia Inspiration

Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, we create a child-centered environment that encourages exploration, inquiry-based learning, and values artistic expression as a means of communication and understanding.


Mt Cotton Family Day Care Intentional Teaching

Intentional Teaching

Our dedicated educator, Miss Deb, observes, documents, and guides children's learning experiences. She plans and scaffolds activities based on each child's interests and abilities, creating meaningful opportunities for exploration, discovery, and connection.



Mt Cotton Family Day Care Learn through Play

Learning through Play:

We believe in the power of play as a natural and essential way for children to learn. Miss Deb's engaging, hands-on, and play-based experiences allow children to follow their interests, develop problem-solving skills, build social connections, and unleash creativity.


Mt Cotton Family Day Care Documentation


We value the process of documenting children's progress, interactions, and discoveries. Miss Deb reflects on their learning journeys, understands their strengths and areas for growth, and adapts teaching strategies accordingly. Parents are involved in this process and engage in open conversations about their child's development.


Mt Cotton Family Day Care Evaluations

Regular Evaluations

We regularly evaluate your child's advancement throughout the year, through mid year and end of year assessments, highlighting their strengths and identifying areas that may require extra support. Our focus on school readiness ensures that your child is ready to make a smooth transition to formal schooling.


Mt Cotton Family Day Care Learning Journey

Learning Journey

Our aim is to create an enriching and stimulating environment where children feel empowered, supported, and inspired to become lifelong learners. By combining the EYLF and Reggio Emilia approach, we provide a solid foundation for your child's educational journey.


Learning Environments

Mt Cotton Family Day Care Learning Environments

At Explore N Learn, our family day care provides a supportive learning environment for children. Our adaptable and child-centered spaces are designed to foster independence and initiative. We offer various learning centers, including reading and writing areas, science and discovery areas, and dramatic play areas, to stimulate curiosity and facilitate different types of learning.

Outdoors, we embrace the importance of nature in children's learning. Our outdoor spaces encourage physical activity, exploration, and a connection with nature. We have playgrounds with equipment for gross motor development, sand and water play areas, and open spaces for games.

Our learning environments are dynamic and responsive to children's interests and needs. Miss Deb, our experienced educator, observes and assesses engagement, adjusting the environment to provide new and exciting learning experiences.

Miss Deb guides children on their learning journeys, fostering positive relationships and a sense of community. We value inclusivity, diversity, and cultural awareness, celebrating each child's unique background and experiences.

At Explore N Learn, we believe that a successful learning environment encourages exploration, creativity, and independence. We promote outdoor play and nature to enhance the learning experience. Our approach is centered on positive relationships, inclusivity, and valuing diversity.


At Explore N Learn, we believe in the value of strong communication and collaboration with families. To keep families informed about their child's day and documentation related to their learning and development, we use an online platform called Storypark.

Through Storypark, families receive real-time updates and notifications about their child's daily activities, milestones, and interactions with peers. Through Storypark, educators document any observations, assessments, and learning experiences, providing valuable insights into their child's progress, interests, and areas of growth.

Families can communicate with educators and staff seamlessly through Storypark, and they receive updates on their child's sleep times and food intake to ensure their child's well-being and nutrition.

Storypark also shares important announcements, upcoming events, and news related to the daycare, promoting transparency, and keeping families abreast of the latest information. We encourage families to embrace Storypark as a tool to stay connected, engaged, and involved in their child's learning journey at Explore N Learn. Our goal is to foster a sense of connection and shared support in nurturing each child's potential.

Mt Cotton Family Day Care Storypark Communication


At Explore N Learn Family Daycare, we understand the importance of preserving precious memories and celebrating children's artistic accomplishments. That's why we provide year journals as keepsakes that capture the art experiences of each child throughout the year.

Our year journals serve as a beautiful memento, documenting the creative journey of each child in our care. Throughout the year, Miss Deb carefully collect and curate the artwork created by each child. These artworks showcase their unique creativity, imagination, and the skills they have developed over time.

As the end of the year approaches, we take great care to compile and prepare these year journals. They are meticulously arranged, ensuring that every child's journey is beautifully represented and celebrated.  In addition to providing year journals, we also offer each family an individual USB with a collection of photographs taken throughout the year. 

Mt Cotton Family Day Care Childrens Journals