Discover, Learn, and Play: The Explore N Learn Advantage for Mount Cotton Kids

Discover: Igniting Curiosity

Children are born explorers! At Explore N Learn, we provide a safe and stimulating environment for their natural curiosity to flourish:

  • Sensory Exploration: Messy play with different textures, nature hunts, and hands-on science experiments engage the senses and spark a love of learning.
  • The World Around Us: Outings to Mount Cotton parks, the library, or community events broaden children's horizons and connect them to their surroundings.
  • Open-Ended Questions: We ask questions that encourage children to think critically, "What do you think will happen if...?" or "I wonder why..." sparking deeper exploration.

Learn: Beyond the Basics

We foster a love of learning that goes beyond simple ABCs and 123s. Learning is woven into everyday play and tailored to each child's interests:

  • Literacy Adventures: Sharing beloved stories, singing songs, and playful word games lay the groundwork for a lifelong love of reading and language.
  • Math All Around: Counting snacks, sorting toys, or building simple structures make math concepts fun and meaningful.
  • The Joy of Creativity: Art, music, and imaginative play ignite self-expression and creative thinking, essential for all areas of learning.

Play: The Heart of Childhood

Play is the work of children! Through play, they develop crucial skills, build friendships, and find pure joy:

  • Imagination Unleashed: Role-playing, dress-ups, and building fantastical worlds nurture creativity and problem-solving.
  • Friendship & Cooperation: Group games, sharing toys, and collaborative projects teach social skills like turn-taking, empathy, and teamwork.
  • Strong Bodies, Healthy Minds: Plenty of outdoor time, movement activities, and songs promote physical development and a lifelong love of being active.



The Explore N Learn Advantage

  • Home-like Warmth: Our small group setting provides a nurturing, familiar environment where children feel secure and loved.
  • Individualised Attention: We get to know your child's unique personality and tailor activities to their interests and learning style.
  • Parent Partnership: Open communication and regular updates ensure your child's daycare experience complements the learning and love they receive at home.

See the Difference for Yourself

Discover the vibrant world of Explore N Learn Family Daycare! Schedule a visit, see our space, and let's discuss how we can give your child the best possible start to their learning journey.